Sunday, July 27, 2008


It's the end of the week and it's time to report on my progress so far. Been very distracted with OSCON and other events so I haven't been hacking the late night oil like I usually do. Hacking seems to be a night time activity for me and I'm having sleep issues with it seems to really put a damper on things. Any hoo, enough of the whining.

I have the hard parts of the project done, that is the searching and adding songs to the database. It's not bullet proof and I suspect I have a lot of memory leaks but I was able to successfully had a song to the database and emit an add signal to the ui which is a pretty good milestone. Adding the rest of the interface is going to be pretty trivial since it essentially uses the query and insert systems that I have already implemented.

There are some issues that I will have to correct including the aforementioned memory leaks, but there is also a notion of what kind of entry is being added to the database so that it can be used for not only songs, but radio streams and what not.


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